For researchers
Call for grants applications 2024
The Cancer Foundation Finland’s call for grants applications 2024
Cancer Foundation Finland call for research project and PhD project funding is now open. Applications can be submitted between 3 June and 21 August 2024.
Cancer Foundation Finland awarded €7.5m in grants
Cancer Foundation Finland awarded a record 7.5 million euros in grants for cancer research in 2023, which marks the Foundation’s 75th anniversary.

How and with what criteria does the Cancer Foundation award research grants?
Grants for research and scientific activity are awarded annually in spring (travel grants) and autumn (research grants and dissertation grants). The grant decisions are made by the Board of the Cancer Foundation.

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Service enables you to prepare your grant application electronically.

In addition to research grants, the Cancer Foundation also supports research in other ways.
For instance, the Cancer Foundation supports research at the Finnish Cancer Registry with some 1.2 million euros annually.
Together with the K. Albin Johansson Foundation, the Cancer Foundation provides funding for research posts of the Foundation for the Finnish Cancer Institute, such as research professorships, senior scientist posts and postdoctoral researcher posts. Every two years, the Foundation for the Finnish Cancer Institute organises, together with a university, an international symposium for cancer research. The Cancer Foundation also supports the organisation of the symposium.
Furthermore, the Cancer Foundation co-funds joint Nordic research projects financed by the Nordic Cancer Union’s (NCU) Cancer Research Fund. Finland will chair the NCU in 2021–2023, and the Secretary General of the Cancer Society of Finland will chair the NCU Board. The Cancer Society is also responsible for the activities of the NCU Scientific Committee and for other secretariat services.
The Cancer Foundation can also, at its discretion, support scientific meetings or other scientific activities related to cancer prevention organised in Finland based on individual initiatives or proposals.
Professorship in cancer epidemiology
Together with Tampere University, the Cancer Foundation funds a part-time (20%) professorship in cancer epidemiology at the Unit of Health Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences of Tampere University. The professor teaches courses and supervises doctoral dissertations in the International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health (IPPE). Currently, the professorship is held by Adjunct Professor (Title of Docent) Janne Pitkäniemi, Director of Statistics at the Finnish Cancer Registry. The Cancer Foundation has also supported Tampere University by covering the accommodation and living expenses of cancer epidemiologists from developing countries participating in the doctoral programme.
Online service for costs of cancer treatment
The Cancer Foundation maintains (in Finnish) an online service that provides updated information on the total costs of cancer by cancer type and region. The costs can also be examined by cost category. The service allows you to monitor cost development and compare cost levels and cost structures between regions. You can also follow the development of costs in relation to the number of new cancer cases.