Cancer Foundation Finland’s grants

Cancer Foundation Finland call for research project and PhD project funding opens 3 June. Applications can be submitted between 3 June and 21 August 2024.


Cancer Foundation Finland call for research project and PhD project funding is now open. Applications can be submitted between 3 June and 21 August 2024.

In the review of applications, particular attention will be paid to, among other things, the scientific quality and feasibility of the protocol, the applicant’s scientific merits and the project’s relevance to cancer research.

Grants are awarded to support research conducted in Finland.

The call is open for the major grants, research grants and dissertation grants.


Major Grants

There are three three-year major grants of 450,000 euros, which are non-targeted grants intended for cancer research.

Research Grants and Dissertation Grants

Research grants may be applied for one-year, two-year or three-year grants.

The dissertation grants (4,000 €) are awarded on a one-off basis only.

Grant applications are submitted in the Cancer Foundation Finland’s electronic system at A research protocol and a list of the principal researcher’s publications from 2019–2024 shall be appended to the application. Applications cannot be supplemented after the deadline. Late applications will be rejected, as will applications that do not comply with the instructions.

Call guidelines and link to the electronic application system can be found below.

The Cancer Foundation Finland does not award research grants to researchers or research teams that have funding from the tobacco industry. The tobacco industry includes any company or group of companies that derives a major portion of its income from the manufacture or marketing of tobacco or other nicotine products.

Awarded grants will be announced in November 2024.


In Helsinki 31 May 2024

Cancer Foundation Finland

Major Grants

Instructions for applying for major grant

Research Grants

Instructions for applying for research grant

Dissertation grants

Insrtuctions for applying for dissertation grants